Funny moment Panic! at the disco

Kesalahan yg satu ini sangat menarik, brendon urie (vokalis) lupa lyrics nothern downpour yg seharusnya
 "I missed your skin when you were east" tapi brendon lupa ,.. -_- jadi liriknyaa kaya  " blaa blaa blaa blaa bla blue blueuh .. " 
check it out :

kasiaan :) , ini saat album prety odd baru keluar, masih ad ryan , disana ryan ikut bantu  " nananana,.. "

Dan satu ini bukan kesalahan, yang ini brendon sengaja melakukan nya -_- , gokil..  brendon joget , katanya "let me teach u how to dance "
Check it out : 

 :D .. 

Next , yg ini membuktikan kalo brendon and ryan rocker sejati mereka ngembanting gitar nya :D

lagi strez kali yaa? :D

yang satu ini bikin malu ajh brendon nyanyiin lagu mario tapi coba perhatikan baik baik .. -_-
check it out :

Hahah -u- brenybears (nama panggilan kecil) udah gede ya breny bears :D

Kalo yang ini,  brendon malu malu.. :D lucu deeh ,.. ada pertanyaan dari audience ,,

oke, bagi yg g ngerti nih dialognya :D

audience : "Are You Available?"
*laughing truz mc ngasih mic ke brendon
brendon :   "happened to be married...
* ngasih mic ke ryan 

ryan :"used to be"
jon      : "yeah, brendon happens to be the only single one in the band..... awwww :D." 
efek penonton jga * awwwww 

Dan yg ini bene bener jahat jon :D tapi lucu :D  kasian brendon , 

jon ngetes ato ap sii?? kayana lagi di interview deh,.. -_-

Nah yang satu ini ciri khas brendon kalo ketawa! :D
pasti nurunin pala na ke bawah!!:D 

lucu yaaa!! :D

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Talk About : Panic! at the disco awards

Selama band Panic! at the disco berdiri dari tahun 2004 penghargaan atau awards yang telah di dapat adalah :

  • MTV Video Music Awards:
  • Nominated: Best Direction in a Video (2008) for "Nine in the Afternoon"
  • Nominated: Best Pop Video (2008) for "Nine in the Afternoon"
  • Won: Video of the Year (2006) for "I Write Sins Not Tragedies"
  • Nominated: Best Group Video (2006) for "I Write Sins Not Tragedies"
  • Nominated: Best Rock Video (2006) for "I Write Sins Not Tragedies"
  • Nominated: Best New Artist in a Video (2006) for "I Write Sins Not Tragedies"
  • Nominated: Best Art Direction in a Video (2006) for "I Write Sins Not Tragedies"
  • Los Premios MTV Latinoamérica:
  • Nominated: Best International Rock Group (2007)
  • Nominated: Best International Rock Group (2008)
  • MTV Asia Awards 2008:
  • Won: Edc Style Award 
  • TMF Awards:
  • Won: Best Video International (2006) for "I Write Sins Not Tragedies"
  • Grammy Awards:
  • Nominated: Best Boxed or Special Limited Edition Package (2008)
  • Nominated: Best Boxed or Special Limited Edition Package (2009)
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Behind The scene The ballad of monalissa

Check it the video, it gonna be smash! enjoy :D

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Panic At The Disco fanpage: TALK ABOUT : kenapa ryan ross and jon walker keluar dari grup panic! at the disco?

Panic At The Disco fanpage: TALK ABOUT : kenapa ryan ross and jon walker keluar dari grup panic! at the disco?

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TALK ABOUT : kenapa ryan ross and jon walker keluar dari grup panic! at the disco?

Ryan dan john keluar band pada tahun 2009 , alasanya karena jalur musik mereka yg berbeda .
sebenarnya dari awal Ryan and the band , sudah memutuskan bahwa mereka akan mengikuti alur the beatles, sama beach boys, tapi ktana na ryan kalo brendon udh terinfluence ama peter gabriel. 
Panic! at the disco bukan bubar, tapi hanya keluarnya personil band.

john & ryan meninggalkan surat kepeada fansnya di  

"To Whom It May Concern…
July 6th, 2009

Ryan Ross and Jon Walker will be leaving Panic at the Disco to embark on a musical excursion of their own. Though the four of us have made music together in the past, we’ve creatively evolved in different directions which has compromised what each of us want to personally achieve. Over the years, we have remained close and honest with each other, which helped us to realize that our goals were different and that parting ways is truly what is best for each of us. We are all excited for the future, you should be too.

-Ryan & Jon" 

lalu pesan dari spencer smith & brendon urie di facebook mereka 

Panic! At The Disco 

"We just wanted to let you know, that the news of Ryan and Jon leaving the band is unfortunately true. It’s been an amazing journey being in a band with them, but sometimes individual tastes take friends in different directions and you can’t ignore it. They are some of the most talented guys we know, and we’re sure that whatever they do next will be great. That said, Panic At The Disco is alive and very very well. We are working on new songs that we are excited for you to hear. Our dates with Blink and Fall Out Boy start in a little less than a month, and we wouldn’t miss those for the world. We know everybody has a lot of questions at this point with everything being so out of the blue, most of those should be answered in the coming weeks. We appreciate every one of you, and hope you continue with us on this incredible ride. Pay attention we have a surprise in store for you."

-Brendon and Spencer

Akhirnya, setelah ryan & jon keluar dari band mereka mendapat 2 personil baru yaitu Ian Crawford, (gittarist) Dallon Weekes (bassist).  "Yeah, we've taken on a couple of new guys for the tour. They're friends, so the decision was easy. Plus, we're really excited to play with them as musicians," drummer Spencer Smith told MTV. "Ian is probably the most talented guitar player that me and Brendon [Urie] have ever played with, and Dallon is a really nice guy and a really great bassist. It's new. Like I said, we're really excited." kata spencer smith saat di wawancarai, spencer smith juga mengomentari tentang band yang sudh terpisah ,
"I suppose it's inevitable that our two bands will always be linked now ... sort of like what happened when Blink-182 split, with Angels & Airwaves and +44, or At the Drive-In split into Sparta and The Mars Volta. ... Brendon and I are still friends with Ryan and Jon, we really like their new band [The Young Veins], they really like our band, and we hope fans like both of them. There's thousands of songs on my iPod, there's room for both our bands on it." lalu spencer melanjut kan komentar nya. 
"And with Brendon and I, really, there was never any doubt that we were going to carry on as Panic! Honestly, we wanted to move forward as the band,We're working on an album now that, hopefully, takes the best parts from both of our records ... because we love them both and are really proud of them."

namun , diantara perpishan band ini sepertinya ryan nampak kecewa karena ryan menumpahkan kekecewaannya saat di wawancarai mtv 
"We always make the music as our inspiration in the beginning, and we're both stilldoing it. To be honest I've never heard Brendon and Spencer's work,"

"Kita selalu membuat musik seperti inspirasi kita pada awalnya, dan kita berdua masih melakukan itu. Jujur saya belum pernah mendengar hasil karya Brendon dan Spencer,"
Tapi , semua ini untuk kebaikan mereka .,
semoga mereka terus berkarya , :D

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Talk about : Brendon Urie Style








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Talk About : panic! at the disco vices and virtues

Sejak ryan ross & john walker keluar dari band 
PANIC! AT THE DISCO mereka mengeluarkan album terbaru pada tahun 2008 yaitu LIVE IN CHICAGO, setelah live in chicago dirilis, pada tahun 2011 1ni merka mengeluar kan album baru yaitu VICES & VIRTUES , Album vices & vitues ini adalah album ke-4 stelah album A FEVER YOU CANT' SWEAT OUT,PRETTY ODD , dan  LIVE IN CHICAGO, A FEVER YOU CANT' SWEAT OUT di rilis tanggal 27 september 2005, sedangkan PRETTY ODD dirilis tanggal 25 maret 2008, selanjut nya LIVE IN CHICAGO  dirilis pada tanggal 8 desember 2008 , dan yang akan dirilis pada tanggal 29 maret 2011 adalah VICES & VIRTUES.
Singgle track album vices and virtues adalah "The ballad of monalisa " DI album ini terlihat samar-samar seperti album yg pertama , karena a fever you cant sweat out bersifat hal mystis atau sejenisnya, mungkin kepada yg menyukai panic at the disco yg bersifat GOTHIC , panic at the disco kemabali dengan tampilan yg bersifat "mystis" atau sejenisnya.
Dalam video the ballad of monalisa Brendon Urie (lead singer) memeran kan 2 character
" I play 2 characterss in this video .. one was inspired by 'sweeney tod' and is very johnny deep " kata brendon urie di mtv .,
video ini berceritakan tentang pembalasan dendam Brendon urie (lead singer) kepada mary (misty rose), di video ini misty rose berperan  sebagai kekasih brendon urie , dan telah membunuhnya, lalu saat brendon urie menjadi vampire, dan tidak ada yang dapat melihatnya, ia meminta pertolongan kepada monalisa seorang gadis kecil yg dapat melihat brendon yg menjadi vampire , ia meminta monalisa untuk memberitahukan isi kertas yang ada di kantong celana mayat brendon urie, isi tulisan kertas itu adalah "mary did it" yg beratikan "mary yg melakukannya."

check it out the video:
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